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Visual Cognitive Neuroscience lab
Chao, C., Kim, C-Y., & Grossman, E. D. (May, 2017) Blur as a guide for attention when viewing representational visual art. The 17th Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, Florida.
Kim, C-Y. (Sept., 2016) Brain functional plasticity reflecting learning of implied motion in abstract paintings. XXIV. Conference of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics, Vienna, Austria.
Kim, C-Y. (Nov, 2010) Cross-linguistic approaches to color-graphemic synesthesia. Paper presented at Neuroscience 2010, San Diego, California.
Sung, Y. S., Kim, C-Y., Kim, H., & Choi, M. (Feb., 2010) Neural responses to "multisensory" product designs. Paper presented at the 3rd International Workshop on Kansei, Fukuoka, Japan.
Kim, C-Y., Park, K., Kim, J-E., Joo, E-Y., Lee, M-J., Hong, S-B., Hong, S-C.,
& Chong, S-C.(Oct., 2009) Subdural electrical stimulation on the face-selective brain region affected conscious perception of a face during binocular rivalry. Paper presented at the the Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Chicago, IL.
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