Visual Cognitive Neuroscience lab

Perception-action coordination refers to the link between the sensory and motor systems, which explains “how perception is action-oriented and how action is perceptually guided” (Ridderinkhof, 2014). Everyday actions such as moving objects, playing the piano, or running are all highly relevant to us. Research in the lab seeks to investigate how multiple acts of perceiving and moving are systematically organized into a coordination vital to one’s life, and the possibility of perceptual enhancement involved in the process. Actions’ influence on either visual or multisensory perception and the underlying neural substrates is of primary interest to us. Actions that interest us are twofold: actions involved in haptic exploration and in motor behavior such as playing the piano or biological motion.
Based on our research experiences and knowledge on multisensory perception and action-oriented perception such as biological motion and implied motion, we recently begin to investigate perception-action coordination by researching haptic exploration, visual-motor coordination and biological motion.
Shape congruence modulates visuo-haptic interactions during binocular rivalry
Piano playing enhances awareness of musical scores during binocular rivalry
Expertise enhances visual sensitivity of action specific biological motion
See our related work; Grossman, E. D., Blake, R & Kim, C-Y. (2004) Learning to see biological motion: Brain activity parallels behavior. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 16(9): 1669-1679 -
Our research on perception and action coordination has been supported by research grants including
Neural Mechanisms of Perceptual Enhancement by Perception-Action Coordination (Years 2020-2021, 2020R1F1A1076336)
Development of ultralight weight optical module for micro-display and human impact evaluation technology for eyewear devices (Years 2021-2023, 2020R1F1A1076336)